Weight loss

Losing weight with laser reflexology

With the LaserAddict method, discover how to lose weight effectively, with soft laser sessions.

Lose weight with the LaserAddict method

Soft laser treatment, the solution for weight loss

Don't know how to lose weight?

Laser treatment is a natural way to get rid of those extra pounds*.

LaserAddict uses a soft laser to stimulate energy points, to act directly on hunger and food cravings.

* As a complement to a healthy, balanced diet.

Losing weight with LaserAddict thanks to soft lasers

Effective long-term results

Effective, the results will appear with each session and over the long term. The laser stimulates the metabolism. The treatment is totally painless and has no side effects.

The LaserAddict method achieves an average weight loss of 2 to 5 kg per month.

Our method is accompanied by dietary rebalancing advice and personalized follow-up.

To find out more:

Our partner, Sarah, a nutrition and fitness consultant, can help you further with her nutrition and micro-nutrition advice for your weight loss with the Nutri+ pack.

Sarah Escanes: Our dedicated nutrition and fitness advisor

Sarah Escanes

Our dedicated nutrition and fitness advisor.

Weight loss with soft laser treatment

How can I lose weight effectively?

Our wellness centers support you in your weight loss with the LaserAddict method: this method consists of laser sessions, support with personalized follow-up, adapted dietary coaching and monitoring of your results. 

To find out more

Personalized follow-up possible in collaboration with our nutrition and fitness consultant.
Our professionals will support you throughout your weight loss program.

Effects of laser stimulation

Discover the effects of laser stimulation on weight loss.

Session protocol:

Would you like to make an appointment now?

Your questions about weight loss sessions

Discover our other laser sessions

Here you'll find all the reflexo-auricular sessions common to the entire LaserAddict network. Click on a session to find out how it works and the benefits it can bring you.

Stop Tobacco

Stop smoking cigarettes in one session.

Weight loss

To control your appetite and food intake.

Stop Cannabis

To stop smoking cannabis (THC).


To prevent noise disturbances.

Stop Sugar

To reduce the urge to eat sweets.


To help you fall asleep and sleep well.