STOP Tobacco

Quit smoking in one session

Tobacco is the leading cause of avoidable death in France. Find out how the LaserAddict method can help you quit smoking in just one session.

The laser anti-smoking solution!

STOP Tobacco

You want to stop smoking and have tried a number of techniques?

Can't find a lasting solution to your addiction?

Have patches, hypnosis sessions, electronic cigarettes and medicated products not had the desired effect?

Thanks to the unique LaserAddict method, say goodbye to tobacco for good and long!
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Say no to cigarettes

The LaserAddict® method: Reliable and effective

LaserAddict is a reliable method. It enables you to get rid of your tobacco addiction in a single session, without the harmful physical effects of nicotine withdrawal. This method is based on a very ancient method (Chinese medicine - reflexology) and modern technology (Laser), combining the two to achieve reliable, lasting results. The LaserAddict® method is also unique in terms of follow-up.

Our laser, which is CE-certified and complies with French standards, has been specially designed to offer a safe and efficient application.

No pain, no side effects, and no risk of weight gain.

Thanks to point stimulation based on the NOGIER technique, it enables you to stop smoking or smoking cannabis without the cravings usually associated with these products.

Our values

Personalized support

Après votre séance avec LaserAddict®, nous vous donnons des conseils pour commencer votre nouvelle vie sans tabac. Nous assurons également un suivi et un accompagnement téléphonique pour vous accompagner durant vos premiers mois sans nicotine. Après la séance, nous recommandons de ne plus fumer et de ne plus utiliser de produits à base de nicotine (patchs, nicorettes, etc.). Sans cela, le processus de dépendance à la nicotine recommence.

A unique method

Our method is reliable and effective. Nevertheless, no one is ever safe from a relapse. Life's hard knocks can lead to high levels of stress, sometimes resulting in relapse. But don't panic, we'll take care of you within 5 working days. Anti-stress sessions can be offered to alleviate the stress! LaserAddict® can help you win the game in every way!

A high success rate

The LaserAddict® method has a very high success rate thanks to this unique, painless method. Read our customer reviews and see for yourself.

When you quit smoking

7 million people die every year from tobacco consumption. The average life expectancy of a smoker is 6 to 10 years shorter than that of a non-smoker. The chances of surviving lung cancer after diagnosis are 10%.


What happens when I stop smoking?

After 1/2 day

After stopping, carbon monoxide levels fall, oxygen levels rise in the blood.

12 hours

After one day

The risk of heart attack is reduced and my lungs “breathe better”, detoxifying themselves by eliminating mucus and smoke residues.

24 hours

After two days

The risk of cardiac arrest is greatly reduced. Taste and smell improve as taste buds regenerate.

48 hours

After 4 days

All traces of nicotine disappear from human blood and organs.

4 days

After 1 month

After about 30 days without smoking, the lungs feel better. Physical condition improves slowly, and the cough eventually disappears altogether.

1 month

After 9 months

The benefits for the respiratory system continue to increase, thanks to the depuration of the bronchial tubes and cilia (the structures found in these organs). Nine months after quitting smoking, the circulatory system also improves. Oxygenated blood flows more easily through the arteries, reaching the body's main organs more efficiently.

9 months

After 5 years

After about five years without smoking, the components of the bloodstream are completely repaired. Both veins and arteries return to their normal size, and the likelihood of suffering from coronary heart disease diminishes.

5 years

After 10 years

At this point, it's possible that the smell of tobacco or having someone smoking next to you becomes unpleasant. Beyond that, the body slowly continues its recovery cycle. The damage caused by these habits is immense, and even ten years later the healing cycle is still latent. Suffering or dying from lung cancer is far less likely. Similarly, problems related to organs such as the mouth or pancreas are far less frequent.

10 years

Instructions for the day of the appointment

Stop smoking tobacco with the soft laser

Why you can trust us


Our practitioners are all addiction experts and laser withdrawal specialists. Their LaserAddict-certified training guarantees their expertise.

Individual support

Because every customer is different, we offer personalized support after the session.

Stress-free and weight-free

Free yourself from your addictions and stop smoking without weight gain, stress or pain.

One-year warranty

We guarantee our sessions for 1 year in the event of relapse. In the event of a relapse, we guarantee an appointment within 5 days.

Your questions about laser and smoking cessation

Would you like to make an appointment now?

Discover our other laser sessions

Here you'll find all the reflexo-auricular sessions common to the entire LaserAddict network. Click on a session to find out how it works and the benefits it can bring you.

Stop Tobacco

Stop smoking cigarettes in one session.

Weight loss

Pour controller votre appétit et votre nourriture.


To prevent noise disturbances.

Stop Sugar

To reduce the urge to eat sweets.


To help you fall asleep and sleep well.

Stress / Burn-out

To better manage complex situations.


Manage the troubles associated with this period.